Our Service Values
Idaho Veterinary Hospital’s Service Values
We, the people of Idaho Veterinary Hospital, created these service values. We agree to uphold each one, and hold each other to these standards.
1. I am responsible for uncompromising levels of cleanliness, safety, and patient care.
2. I take pride in my professional appearance, language, and behavior.
3. I protect the privacy and confidentiality of our clients, my fellow employees, and the company’s information, and assets.
4. I am involved in the planning of the work that affects me.
5. I have the opportunity to continue to learn and grow.
6. I create a work environment of teamwork and lateral support.
7. I own and immediately resolve client problems.
8. I continuously seek opportunities to innovate and improve the IVH experience and patient care.
9. I consistently build strong relationships with our clients and patients and I am responsive to their obvious, and not so obvious, needs.
10. I am empowered to create unique experiences for our clients.