Idaho Veterinary Hospital’s
Breeder’s Weekend 2022
Better Genetics. Better Breeding. Better Puppies.
Thank you for making an appointment to attend our Breeder’s Weekend, January 27-30thth. Please check in by parking in our Back Parking Lot located on the back side of our building (look for the balloons & signs)! Once you arrive, please STAY IN YOUR CAR and wait for our team to assist you. Due to the increased cases of COVID in Canyon County, we ask that you remain in your vehicle during your appointment. We expect to be extremely busy, please be punctual. Payment is due at time of service; we accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, CareCredit & Cash.
We do not accept Checks.
If you have any questions, please contact us at or (208)466-4614
This event is completely booked, if you are going to be unable to attend, please let us know so we can schedule someone on our waiting list.
Idaho Veterinary Hospital
1420 N. Midland Blvd
Nampa, ID 83651

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