Have you visited Idaho Veterinary Hospital's online store? Fast, easy and directly shipped to your door and still support your favorite local veterinary hospital! You can click here to visit our store or if you prefer to browse on your mobile device, scan this handy dandy QR code with your... read more →
Idaho Veterinary Hospital’s Breeder’s Weekend 2022 Better Genetics. Better Breeding. Better Puppies. Thank you for making an appointment to attend our Breeder’s Weekend, January 27-30thth. Please check in by parking in our Back Parking Lot located on the back side of our building (look for the balloons & signs)! Once... read more →
Did you know that 2 out of 3 dogs show signs of fear and anxiety associated with noise? Of these dogs, 81% react out of fear to the sound of fireworks. Independence Day is the most common holiday for pets to run away from home and get lost. There are... read more →
https://youtu.be/oihas4fUv9w Heartworm Disease in Dogs What causes heartworm disease? Heartworm disease, or dirofilariasis, is a serious and potentially fatal disease. It is caused by a blood-borne parasite known as Dirofilaria immitis. Adult heartworms are found in the heart, pulmonary artery, and adjacent large blood vessels of infected dogs. Rarely, worms may... read more →
https://youtu.be/O2UDp_3qYgw Quality of Life at the End of Life for Your Dog Each and every pet has certain needs that should be recognized and respected. Quality of life is a way to refer to and discuss the day-to-day life and lifestyle of a dog reaching the end of its life.... read more →
https://youtu.be/tQG537j9pS8 Annual Veterinary Visit for Reptiles Many reptile owners are surprised to learn that all pets, including reptiles, need at least annual checkups. A number of reptile veterinarians actually recommend checkups at least twice a year. There are two reasons for this: first, since most pets including reptiles do not live... read more →
Job Description We are looking to add an Associate Veterinarian to our team! If you are looking to make a difference in the lives of pets and their owners, and expand your knowledge and skills in our veterinary hospital, we want to talk with you! Who Are We? We are... read more →
That's right, we have been nominated as one of four veterinary hospitals in the United States of American and Canada as Practice of the Year! This is an amazing honor that we are so proud to have! While the winner will not be announced until October, we are celebrating! https://youtu.be/695EIdcBWbM... read more →
Cheatgrass, foxtail and other grass awns are a terrible problem for pets in the Treasure Valley and surrounding areas. Not only is it a nuisance in our yards and gardens, but it can cause huge issues by getting stuck in our pet's ears, eyes, feet, nostrils, tonsils and other places.... read more →
We are so thankful to all of our clients that helped our community out and put their pet's annual exams or vaccines on hold! To better thank you all, we are hosting a Wellness Fair on June 5th and 6th! Many of your pet's wellness procedures will be discounted, such... read more →