As a member of the ICSB family, we are proud to offer a procedure that is based on more than 30 years of research with proven success rates of over 75%. ICSB has produced over 5000 puppies worldwide using its frozen semen technique. The process used is recognized by multiple registries including American Kennel Club, AFTCA, and AFSCA among others.
Reasons to consider having your dog’s semen cryopreserved include
- High demand for semen
- Demand for the semen even after your dog leaves his reproductive fertile years
- Your lifestyle requires you or your dog to travel making access to him difficult
The freezing process includes a reproductive exam, collection, semen evaluation, freezing and storage for the first year. The number of breedings a stud dog can produce can vary but is typically between 4 and 8 breedings. The semen is stored on-premises of Idaho Veterinary Hospital and can be used locally or shipped.