Don't turn your nose to Fido's or Fluffy's bad breath! That odor might signify a serious health risk, with the potential to damage not only your pet's teeth and gums... read more →
Online discount pharmacies are rapidly growing in popularity. They promise quick, hassle-free delivery at discount prices. Idaho Vet Hospital also offers home delivery, with the same promises as online pharmacies,... read more →
When the air starts to warm and the frosts depart until October, it means the beginning of heartworm season for pet owners. In our area this usually begins in April... read more →
Winter is fast approaching, and with it a whole new set of challenges for you and your pet. A few extra steps can make sure that your pet stays happy,... read more →
Noise Phobias 4th of July fireworks and summer thunderstorms can cause anxiety in some pets. Anxiety can make your animal do strange things like hide, urinate in the house or... read more →
Now that the winter frost has finally left us, it's time to get your pets started up on their heartworm preventatives again. In the past, we have offered exclusively Revolution... read more →
Our local newspaper, the Idaho Press-Tribune, wrote this article about our own intrepid Dr. Calhoun and his frigid adventures on the Iditarod trail. The original may be found here along... read more →