When the air starts to warm and the frosts depart until October, it means the beginning of heartworm season for pet owners. In our area this usually begins in April or May. For most of us this means starting our pets on heartworm preventative, some of them for the very... read more →
Pet's Best Insurance Our country’s economy has seen better days, that’s not news to anyone. Ever increasingly I am faced with furrow-browed clients fuming over prices of health care for their pets. Often they express their frustration: “Are you kidding, I don’t even pay that much when I go to... read more →
Winter is fast approaching, and with it a whole new set of challenges for you and your pet. A few extra steps can make sure that your pet stays happy, healthy and warm this winter. When taking your dog for a walk, salt and chemical deicers can leave residue on... read more →
Noise Phobias 4th of July fireworks and summer thunderstorms can cause anxiety in some pets. Anxiety can make your animal do strange things like hide, urinate in the house or even chew on themselves or items in the house. There are steps through both training and treatment that you can... read more →
Now that the winter frost has finally left us, it's time to get your pets started up on their heartworm preventatives again. In the past, we have offered exclusively Revolution as a parasite preventative. This year we are excited to announce we also offer Interceptor as another option to serve... read more →
Our local newspaper, the Idaho Press-Tribune, wrote this article about our own intrepid Dr. Calhoun and his frigid adventures on the Iditarod trail. The original may be found here along with pictures! Diary of the Iditarod Kendel Murrant kmurrant@idahopress.com Sunday, March 30th, 2008 NAMPA — Nampa veterinarian John Calhoun spent... read more →
By Dan Knox, DVM* There have been some comments questioning the safety of microchips. Several articles referencing foreign studies have been quoted in various formats. In literally millions of American dogs, cats, horses and other pets that have been microchipped and protected over the past 20 years, there have been... read more →
25+ days – Ultrasound can be used to determine pregnancy 33-37 days – Increase feeding to double normal 45+ days – Radiographs can be taken for detailed pup information 58-68 days – Delivery can occur, average gestation is 63 days Temperature - Average temperature is between 101 and 102, when... read more →
What causes feather loss? Feather loss either occurs because the bird is truly losing feathers or because the bird is picking its feathers. If the owner can tell which is occurring, it often helps narrow down the possibilities of what is causing the problem. Feather picking is often a behavioral... read more →